The Evolution of Graph Protocol

2 min readDec 16, 2020

We have all heard that the internet is broken, but why? In my understanding for the most part it is because we don’t control our data and there is no native value settlement layer. Every time we use the internet our data is sent to the server of a service provide and every time this happens we lose control over it. Graph Protocol is a revolutionary project having the potential to change this by introducing data storage and processing on open networks with verifiable integrity as well as a token incentivising all involved parties, thus having the potential to address both points above. So say hello to Web3, the user-controlled internet.

I think we all agree an imminent race of applications entirely built on decentralised protocols is coming and I see Graph Protocol and subgraphs evolving to support this as the back-end fundament for the whole thing. The potential is practically unlimited — DeFi, data storage, programmable money, governance, marketplaces, gaming and others. Just like Google is the cornerstone of the Web2 internet, I see Graph Protocol as the cornerstone of the Web3 internet. But while Google is a centralised company, Graph Protocol has a lot of aligned stakeholders to be pushing in this direction, including the community of supports.

And a suggestion how to get there more quickly — while subgraphs are manually deployed currently, why not work on an AI / machine learning driven web crawler automatically deploying subgraphs where possible? Because if this is doable, then the definition of “explosive growth” will get a completely new meaning.

